MS in Statistics

As a PhD student in Statistics, you are eligible to obtain a Masters in Science Degree in Statistics from the University of Illinois if you meet the program requirements of the MS program. While maintaining your course work towards your PhD, you can petition the Graduate College to add the MS: Statistics degree as a secondary degree. Upon completion of the program requirements of the MS, you are eligible to then add yourself to the degree list for the next possible degree conferral period. 

*If you have already received a similar degree from another institution you are not eligible for this program as the Graduate College will not issue a duplicate degree.

If you are interested in receiving an MS degree in Statistics while continuing your work towards your PhD please follow the directions below.

  1. Go to the Graduate College Student Portal and log-in with your NetID.
  2. Once logged in and viewing your record, along the right side of the page, under Resources, click Petition.
  3. On the petition page, click "Start New Petition", then in the popup window, "Start New Petition" again.
  4. For the request type, choose "Curriculum Change" and fill out the other info that populates.
  5. Under the ‘detailed explanation’ section you can copy and paste the following explanation:
    • I am a PhD Statistics student wanting to add the MS Statistics program to be eligible for the MS-Stat Degree (10KS0329MS) as a secondary degree while continuing my work in the PhD program.
    • This will ensure the Graduate College adds the Statistics MS program as a secondary degree, rather than completely moving you our of the PhD into the MS.
  6. Finally, you will click ‘Submit’. The petition will then be routed to the department for department approval then submitted to the Graduate College for final approval.

Once the petition is approved you will continue to do your work in the PhD program as you normally would. Once you have completed the necessary requirements for the MS degree you can place yourself on the Graduation List for the upcoming degree conferral date. You will do this through Student Self-Service. After you have placed yourself on the degree list, the department will verify that you have met the MS degree requirements in order to graduate during the degree confirmation period. You can review the MS degree requirements here. Note that if you have not completed the Practicum requirement for the PhD (STAT 427, 593, or 595), you may still meet the similar Experiential Learning requirement for the MS if you have at least 12 extra hours of graduate study at UIUC not already counted elsewhere toward the MS.

After you have placed yourself on the degree list and it has been approved by the department you will be awarded your MS in Statistics degree after the next degree conferral date. If you wish to take part in the Math/Stat Convocation ceremony held each May during Graduation Weekend to receive your MS degree you may do so as well.