08/03/2021 - Hannah Holscher, PhD, RD, is an Associate Professor of Nutrition in the Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition and the ...
07/23/2021 - The first annual Blackwell Summer Scholars Program finished on July 2, 2021, with the Blackwell Scholars student presentation event. The program witnessed fourteen scholars embark on a six-week-long...
07/21/2021 - Department of Statistics PhD student, Joshua Loyal, has been selected for the 2021 International Society for Bayesian Analysis (ISBA) Best Student/Postdoc Contributed Paper Award, which is sponsored...
07/19/2021 - The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign has appointed Statistics Professor, Xiaofeng Shao, as the newest Data Science Founder Scholar. The named...
06/17/2021 - The International Chinese Statistical Association (ICSA) has selected Yujia Deng - fifth year PhD student - as one of six possible winners of the Student Paper Awards of the ICSA 2021 Applied...
05/26/2021 - The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Academic Advising Committee (IlliAAC) has named Statistics Undergraduate Advisor, Aaron Smith, as one of the recipients of the 2021 Outstanding New...
05/26/2021 - During its annual promotion review process, the ...
05/25/2021 - Multiple Department of Statistics faculty, staff, and students have been named recipients of the LAS Impact Award for recognizing inspiring efforts during COVID-19. Recognizing the dedication and...
05/13/2021 - The College of Liberal Arts & Sciences of the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign have named this year's Bronze Tablet awardees. Of the 82 graduating seniors to receive this honor, 16 are...
02/16/2021 - The American Statistical Association (ASA) have selected Yangfan Zhang - fourth year PhD student - as one of three winners of the Student Paper Awards of ASA Nonparametric Statistics. Yangfan's...
01/21/2021 - The future of Altgeld Hall and Illini Hall is coming into focus as the University of Illinois moves forward with detailed planning for the $192 million project to modernize and grow spaces devoted to...
11/24/2020 - Four professors in the College of LAS have been named Richard and Margaret Romano Professorial Scholars for their leadership and research. Richard Romano (BS, ’54, ...
09/15/2020 - College Factual, a collegiate ranking site focused on using the best data available to help students make smart choices with their education and pocketbooks, recently ranked the University of...
07/17/2020 - David Blackwell had a distinguished career while living an extraordinary life. Against the backdrop of the Great Depression, World War II, the Cold War, and the Civil Rights Era, Blackwell’s life is...
07/14/2020 - The National Science Foundation (NSF) has awarded $15.5 million to four universities in Illinois, including the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, to create an institute to bring powerful...