Professor Bo Li has been selected as a Fellow of the American Statistical Association


Professor Bo Li has been selected as a Fellow of the American Statistical Association. She will be formally presented this honor at a July 30, 2019 awards ceremony at the Joint Statistical Meeting in Denver.

A brief biography of Professor Li is given below.

Congratulations to Bo on this accomplishment that honors her outstanding contributions to the advancement of statistical science!

Dr. Bo Li received her PhD in Statistics from Texas A&M University in 2006, and then became a Post-Doc at National Center for Atmospheric Research before joining the Purdue faculty 2008. In 2013 she moved to University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and is now a Full Professor in the Department of Statistics. Dr. Li’s research mainly focuses on spatial and spatio-temporal statistics and environmental statistics concerning problems in climatology, atmospheric sciences, public health, forestry and agriculture. Professor Li has served on the editorial boards of several journals including the Journal of the American Statistical Association and Environmetrics, and was guest editor for a special issue in Statistica Sinica and special issue in Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics. Her research has been funded by the  NSF, NIH, NASA and Sandia National Laboratories. Professor Li was the recipient of the Young Investigator Award in the ASA section on statistics and the environment and received the campus-wide Teaching for Tomorrow Award while on the Purdue faculty.  Professor Li was recently awarded a fellowship with the Center of Advanced Studies at University of Illinois, and was selected as a 2019 Fellow of the American Statistical Association.

ASA Fellows

The designation of ASA Fellow has been a significant honor for nearly 100 years. Under ASA bylaws, the Committee on Fellows can elect up to one-third of one percent of the total association membership as fellows each year.

To be selected, nominees must have an established reputation and have made outstanding contributions to statistical science. The Committee on Fellows evaluates each candidate’s contributions to the advancement of statistical science and places due weight on the following:

  • Published works
  • Position held with employer
  • ASA activities
  • Membership and accomplishments in other societies
  • Professional activities