Contact Information
Office #194E, Room 212K, Technology Plaza
Office Hours
Research Areas
4th Year PhD Student
Research Interests
Network Statistics
Bachelor of Science in Statistics and Computer Science (Double Major), 2017, University of California - Davis, California
Master of Arts in Statistics, 2019, Columbia University in the City of New York, New York
2021, University Fellowship for the Block Grant
Awards and Honors
2023, Graduate Teacher Certificate
Courses Taught
TA, STAT 400, Statistics and Probability I, Fall 2020
TA, STAT 400, Statistics and Probability I, Spring 2021, Ranked As Excellent
TA, STAT 425, Statistical Modeling I, Fall 2021, Spring 2022, Fall 2022
TA, STAT 426, Statistical Modeling II, Spring 2023, Fall 2023
Recent Publications
Dalal, S., Wang, Z & Sabharwal, S, (2021) Identifying Ransomware Actors on Bitcoin Networks. Accepted for publication: 2nd International Conference on Machine Learning, IOT and Blockchain (MLIOB 2021) (https://arxiv.org/abs/2108.13807)