Research Areas
I am a Ph.D. student in Statistics at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). My research interests include time series, statistical computing, causal inference and machine learning but I am also actively exploring other areas. Previously I did research in The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA), and Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ISCAS) on time series, financial economics, and computer vision, respectively.
Research Interests
time series, statistical computing, causal inference and machine learning
M.Phil. in Risk Management Science (CUHK)
B.Sc. in Quantitative Finance and Risk Management Science, First Class Honors (CUHK)
Awards and Honors
(2022-23) Doctoral Student Teaching Award
Courses Taught
(2023-24 Fall) STAT431: Applied Bayesian Analysis
(2022-23 Fall) STAT430: Practice of Applied Statistics
(2021-22 Summer) STAT420: Methods of Applied Statistics
(2021-22 Fall, Spring) STAT107: Data Science Discovery
Additional Campus Affiliations
(2022-23 Fall, Spring) Consultant, Illinois Statistics Office